ABOUT US. The Inside Scoop!

Once upon a time, in a reality far less amusing than advertised, my daughter embarked on a noble quest to find a pre-K program for my non-verbal, enigmatically silent granddaughter. But lo and behold, before you could say “time for recess,” the prodigious tot was deemed too Herculean a puzzle to solve before the half-day bell. Plot twist: My daughter, in the prime of her spreadsheet-taming career, swapped boardrooms for playrooms faster than you can say "career pivot."

Enter yours truly, Grandpa-in-arms, ready to charge into the fray with all the grace of a bull in a china shop. My days, once punctuated by the soft clinking of retirement dreams, now echoed with the clatter of research papers and Google accompanied by countless YouTube videos

Eureka! The proverbial bulb lit up—not the energy-saving kind. Why not transform this plot twist into a storyline worth following? And that's how Butterflylife.shop fluttered into existence, a platform stitched together by a dad who is the poster boy for ADHD, but also has a huge heart!

Our brand's unique flavor? Imagine a stew seasoned with both old-school wisdom and new-age Neurodiversity zest. Rather than fight over the recipe, we tossed in our different opinions and stirred. The result? An online bazaar that’s a mishmash of styles and support for every shade of neurodiversity expression. Whether you're late to the diagnosis party or self-identified, we’ve got something for you—even if it's just a laugh or a knowing nod.